Bitcoin có thể là câu trả lời cho nỗ lực phi đô la hóa của các nước BRICS không?

  • NDB hiện đang nỗ lực mở rộng việc sử dụng đồng nội tệ để “phi đô la hóa”
  • Bitcoin có thể là đồng tiền dự trữ lớn tiếp theo

Là một nhà phân tích dày dạn kinh nghiệm với hơn hai thập kỷ về tài chính và kinh tế toàn cầu, tôi đã chứng kiến ​​sự lên xuống của tiền tệ và hệ thống tài chính trên toàn cầu. Thông báo gần đây của Ngân hàng Phát triển Mới (NDB) về việc mở rộng sử dụng đồng nội tệ thực sự là một bước quan trọng hướng tới phi đô la hóa và thật thú vị khi thấy phong trào này đạt được động lực ở các nước BRICS.

120 quốc gia từ khắp nơi trên thế giới đã tham gia Diễn đàn Thành phố Quốc tế của các quốc gia BRICS cách đây không lâu. Sau sự kiện này, Ngân hàng Phát triển Mới đã tổ chức Hội nghị thường niên lần thứ 9. Các tiêu đề ngày hôm nay đang xôn xao về sự kiện này sau khi Chủ tịch NDB Dilma Rousseff tuyên bố rằng ngân hàng này đang có những bước tiến nhằm tăng cường sử dụng đồng nội tệ, có thể hiểu là một nỗ lực nhằm giảm sự phụ thuộc vào đồng đô la Mỹ – một quá trình thường được gọi là de -đô la hóa.

Do đó, câu hỏi – Điều này có ý nghĩa gì đối với Bitcoin?

Theo Rousseff,

Trọng tâm chính của Ngân hàng Quốc gia sẽ diễn ra bằng nội tệ.

Một phong trào quốc tế?

The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular “BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years.

“Nó làm tăng các lựa chọn thanh toán của chúng tôi và giảm bớt các lỗ hổng bảo mật của chúng tôi.”

Điều quan trọng cần lưu ý là phần lớn thế giới vẫn chưa ngừng sử dụng đồng đô la Mỹ. Theo Cơ quan giám sát thống trị đồng đô la của Hội đồng Đại Tây Dương, đồng đô la Mỹ chiếm khoảng 58% tổng dự trữ ngoại hối trên toàn thế giới và nó cũng kiểm soát khoảng 88% tất cả các giao dịch quốc tế về ngoại hối.

Bitcoin có thể là câu trả lời cho nỗ lực phi đô la hóa của các nước BRICS không?

Từ quan điểm của tôi với tư cách là một nhà nghiên cứu, rõ ràng việc phi đô la hóa không phải là điều chúng ta có thể mong đợi xảy ra trong tương lai gần hoặc thậm chí là trung hạn. Tuy nhiên, điều quan trọng là phải thừa nhận những bước tiến đáng kể của Trung Quốc trong việc phi đô la hóa nền kinh tế của mình theo thời gian.

Bitcoin có thể là câu trả lời cho nỗ lực phi đô la hóa của các nước BRICS không?

Thay vào đó, rất có thể xu hướng này sẽ tiếp tục trong thời gian dài hơn. Điều này đặc biệt đúng khi tỷ trọng của đồng đô la Mỹ trong tổng dự trữ ngoại hối toàn cầu đã giảm đáng kể chỉ trong 8 năm qua, giảm từ 65,3% xuống 58,8%. Hơn nữa, nhiều quốc gia, đặc biệt là những quốc gia có liên hệ với BRICS, đã mua vàng ngay cả khi giá tăng cao.

Bitcoin có thể là câu trả lời cho nỗ lực phi đô la hóa của các nước BRICS không?

Danh tiếng của vàng như một nơi trú ẩn an toàn và là phương tiện lưu trữ giá trị đã tăng lên đáng kể kể từ năm 2019, đặc biệt là sau sự bùng phát của COVID-19. Sự quan tâm tăng vọt này cũng đã mở rộng sang các tài sản khác có chung đặc điểm, chẳng hạn như vàng. Gần đây, Bitcoin và tiền điện tử đã nổi lên như một loại tài sản khác có những đặc tính như vậy.

Bitcoin để giải cứu?

Ví dụ: các quốc gia như Nga và Iran đã bắt đầu sử dụng Bitcoin và khai thác Bitcoin như một phương pháp để giảm bớt tác động của các lệnh trừng phạt quốc tế mà họ phải đối mặt. Đáng chú ý, Nga hiện đang thử nghiệm các nền tảng giao dịch tiền điện tử để xác định cách thức các giao dịch kỹ thuật số này có thể được tạo điều kiện thuận lợi xuyên biên giới.

Cũng giống như các thực thể riêng lẻ, BRICS đã thể hiện sự quan tâm đến việc giới thiệu một loại tiền kỹ thuật số được hỗ trợ bằng vàng, xuất phát từ các cuộc đàm phán trước đây về việc thành lập một “tiền tệ BRICS”.

Ngoài những niềm đam mê này, nhiều quốc gia bày tỏ sự quan tâm sâu sắc đến việc cạnh tranh với El Salvador bằng cách tích lũy Bitcoin như một tài sản dự trữ quốc gia. Vào năm 2021, Tổng thống Bukele đề xuất động thái này với mục đích tách nền kinh tế ra khỏi đồng đô la Mỹ, bất chấp phải đối mặt với sự chỉ trích từ các tổ chức như Ngân hàng Thế giới và IMF về quyết định này.

Năm 2024 thể hiện một bối cảnh mới, với các thực thể nổi bật như MicroStrategy và Metaplanet mạo hiểm thâm nhập vào tiền điện tử. Hơn nữa, Bitcoin và Ethereum Exchange-Traded Funds (ETF) đã thu hút được sự chú ý đáng kể ở Phố Wall, cho thấy sự quan tâm của tổ chức đối với loại tài sản này ngày càng tăng.

Nói chung, những tiến bộ này báo hiệu sự gia tăng tiềm năng của tiền điện tử trong tương lai gần. Nếu các quốc gia BRICS tìm cách tách khỏi đồng đô la Mỹ và chỉ chuyển một phần nhỏ thanh khoản USD hiện tại sang tiền điện tử, bối cảnh thị trường có thể bị thay đổi đáng kể.

2024-09-03 21:08